Firstly, we’d like to say a massive, huge, thundering THANK YOU to everyone who came to see us at the O2 Academy in Islington last Saturday for the special Violator Anniversary Show. It was a phenomenal night for us and the feedback so far has been electric. We’re glad we could do such a seminal album justice.
We pulled in a few favours from some very talented friends of our and got the gig shot and filmed, so we will have some videos to tempt and tease you with.
Special thanks also go to the venue and to the chaps at Feeling Gloomy who helped us get into the big room at the O2. It was an honour to play such an illustrious stage.
Next stop: the Violator Show goes to Norway. But in the meantime, here are a couple of photos from the gig. Photo credits go to our very talented friend Nigel Jepson: