In tribute to one of the seminal albums of the 1980s Speak and Spell performed the album of the same name at TEC003 for The Electricity Club.
The project was underway in early 2014 for a September gig and we quickly decided to reproduce the album (plus tracks from the era) from the ground up using analogue synthesizers.
The set was then delivered using vintage technology, including analogue sytheizers (including a period Roland Promars and almost period Sequential Sixtrak). The backing tracks were delivered frosh from tape (yes actual tape) from a Revox B77 reel to reel.

The band performed two sets in total, the S&S set plus a homage to 101 with new tracks for us Blasphemous Rumours and Master and Servant added to the set.
For People are People the band were joined on stage by the electronica darlings ‘The Vile Electrodes’, for Question of Time we welcomed the lovely Sarah Blackwood (Client, Dubstar) to the stage and for I want you now the gorgeous Monika Goss.
For a review of the full event check out the link here